Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Week Ahead!

First of all, to the hand full of friends that may be reading this blog, thank you! For me, it is a great record, an outlet for thoughts, and a connection to many different ideas that are in this crazy head of mine. I really try to keep it to the house but sometimes I stray off in "Wonderland" and go off on tangents. Thanks for sticking with me and hope it keeps someones interest.

This week, David tells me is to be a big week. Heating and Air conditioning guys will be in as well as electrical and maybe plumbers will also show up. The new porch should arrive today as well as the roof trusses(s). (Not sure of the plural version of that word) This will make dramatic changes to the house's interior and exterior.

Next week, we have appointments to pick out fixtures, for kitchen and baths. We also are picking out tile. Before that time, I need to have some pretty good ideas as to how the final product is to look like. Yikes! Feeling just a little bit of pressure now because most of all, I want this to be a "family affair!" I am so excited to be doing this project with the love and support of Mom and Dad. They are pretty excited too! I don't have to worry about the days I am not in Troy, because I know they are going by to check on things. When it is all said and done, it is about the things in life that are really important and that is family, friends, faith and doing the right thing! There I go again, off on a tangent but I am just a little reflective today. Again, thanks.

1 comment:

ahhcarol said...

Hi, Ronnie
It's Carol,Eddie and Emilie
I get on and do a weekly check on your progress,it's coming along very well and I can hardly wait to see the finished project.Aunt Mary is very very excited about her room as well.I'll Check back in a couple of day's and keep up the great work. Hope to see you all soon.