Sunday, November 1, 2009

Perfect night in "Candyland"......

Warmer than average temperatures and clear skies, allowed any child that wanted to brave the ghouls and goblins of Halloween the very best opportunity to go out and have a big time. All of the tip off about "Halloween on Russell Street" came true in more than fine fashion. Since this was our first official Halloween on Russell Street, I was not real clear on what was about to happen. I was asked repeated, "Are you sure you are ready?" Oh my! Guess I was not ready! The fun began at 4pm with the first Trick or Treaters! By 6:30, our 1,000 piece candy bin was down to nothing. After a quick trip to get more, and thank goodness we did, we proceeded to go through at least another 1,000 pieces. It was the most amazing experience I have ever observed in my life for Halloween. The street was a consistent stream of young children having fun and living carefree. This street has a long history of safe and productive Halloweens! It was actually alot of fun seeing the bright faces and smiles that followed the "drop in their buckets" as they moved from house to house on Russell Street. From the lavishly decorated "C" house on the corner, to the make shift "Haunted House" with orange lights and blow-up goblins, what we lacked as far as exterior decor, we hopefully made up with smiles and plenty of "Candy!" Just wait until next year! Thanks to all for providing a great evening of safe, clean and fun entertainment in "Candyland!" Hmmm, this was truly a "Southern Living" moment.