Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gone is the snow...and the Jaguar!

Felt the need to update the post. Spring has finally arrived at Russell Street. So far, 2010 has presented many challenges, opportunities, and things never dealt with in my 52 years. As I mentioned the snow is gone and the pollen (worst on record since the recording began) has moved in the entire country. The Jaguar is gone as on a business trip 10 days after that last posting, was totaled when a tree came from no where heading to Richmond. Thank goodness, I am very lucky and blessed as no injury (but my feelings about that car) but the car was totalled. As it is now April 8th, I am still in a heated battle with Nationwide Insurance. Our agent has been amazing for a 50 year relationship with cars and homes between both my parents and me. All of this means nothing though with the people outside of the agency and we will be changing after dealing with the claims people. They are NOT on your side and really don't care about their customers. In the middle of all of this, I am just out of Pinehurst hospital from being admitted Easter Sunday for pneumonia. Needless to say, all of the Easter pictures were not happening with the way I was feeling. All good now and home and quarantined in Russell Street till the pollen is somewhat reduced.

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