Friday, February 27, 2009

Things getting a little DARK! Pic explained at the end.

No this isn't about a power outage, or chocolate, or gloom and doom. It is about the newly stained floors at Russell Street. Wow! The floors are shaping up to be incredible. The half of the house that was replaced with a nice dark cherry solid wood floor, due to the villanous termites, is now matched with the original existing floors and a new, very closely matched, stain. I stand amazed at how something from 1914 can be stripped back to the bare wood and enriched again with new stain. No pictures yet as I am limited to which part I can access until they are sealed.

The rest of the crew are beginning to pull together the final touches. Travis and David and I met to go over some very important details like the look of the new fireplace mantles, the facilitator for the onyx vessal in the powder room, the re-attachment of the porch railings, the color for the stain on the new porch, and a few other details you will be able to see the result of later.

Steve R. will be installing the black granite island counter top this morning. This will make the kitchen really begin to take shape. When the appliances arrive, we will almost be able to make those brownies, Mom!

This week-end, I am manning the Capel Rug Outlet booth at the Moore County Home Builders Home and Garden Show. Last night was the preview night and had a great turn-out. Just what I need are some more great ideas. There are some impressive booths at the show and a couple I have to check out further especially some of the landscaping exteriors. Can't really think about that now until we get inside.

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